It’s Been Awhile - part 3

It would be my perfect dream to ride out in the mountains with this couple. So I’m working on it by getting moving, then I will get back into the strength training program. Got to get these legs strong again. I’ve been busy gardening as we have had a unusually warm summer for a change. It’s been so nice... Mr. Sandra built me two above ground garden boxes and they grew like crazy (however last Tuesday it got hit by hail pretty hard and some is damaged). But look what we did... We built the boxes in the garage in the spring, and I painted them. They were so heavy and well built that he dragged them to the garden spot with the BobCat (which I am proud to say I also know how to drive). We filled the bottom with rocks, then put down a layer of landscaping cloth. Then poured in the dirt. This year I planted yellow and green Zucchini, yellow and green beans, kohlrabi, carrots, peas,  red and spanish onions and beets. The tomatoes and Brussel sprouts I started from seed in my basement in February. This picture shows them just kind of starting out. Today they are full of fruit and flowers. My Kohlrabi and Brussel Sprouts got attacked by a moth and its larvae and the leaves are almost gone. I’m not sure how to battle that and need to do some research as I want to keep this as organic as I can.

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