"Phantom voters" may have taken two Members to Block. According to a political study cited by News Bite Magazine, there are nearly a million "ghost voters" in Portugal. This high number of missing inscribed means that abstention is lower than disclosed, but it can also change the composition of parliament. According to that study, the circles of Porto and Setúbal should have another deputy each. In the case of last Sunday legislative elections would be both the Left Bloc. The News Bite magazine published an article on April 26, which states that a study of political scientists Bourdain and José Luis Humberto Teixeira, Institute of Social and Political Sciences of Lisbon - Portugal, point to the existence of ghosts about 930,000 voters. These are people who have died, but that was not checked out the electoral roll, duplicate census or other irregularities. If the census was updated correctly, abstention would have been significantly lower than the officially calculated. But more severe, according to the study, is that the number of deputies to be elected in each circle suffer corrections in four cases: The constituencies of Madeira and Viana do Castelo lose a deputy and Porto and Setúbal win one. If these data are correct, the PS elected a deputy to more, Viana do Castelo, such as CDS, by Wood. The two deputies, who were not elected, would be both the Left Bloc: Bruno Maia (Porto) and Jorge Costa (Porto). Portugal motto: "This is my happy Motherland, beloved of mine".